Correlation of Fine Particulates and Meteorological Parameters in Indoor Public Schools Environment within Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

Article | Published Aug, 2024

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This study focused on the correlation of fine particulates and meteorological parameters in indoor public school environments, in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Thirty public schools (17 primary and 13 secondary) were selected for the study. The PM2.5 samples were taken 1.5 – 2.0 meters within the human breathing zone. The sampling was done using an Apex 21 S Casella regular pump with a conical inhalable sampling (CIS) head for eight hours at a flow rate of 3.5L per minute (LPM). The 37-diameter quartz filters were processed in a muffle furnace for four hours at 450 – 500 oC before sampling and weighing afterward. The results obtained showed variations in the meteorological parameters with a range of temperature from 28.52 – 29.82°C. The relative humidity ranged from 84.22 – 427.78%; pressure was 1006.70 - 5052.87 mmHg; wind speed was 4.13 – 1660.88 Km/h and dew point was 24.7 – 3293.56%. The correlation coefficient showed a positive relationship exists in meteorological parameters between primary and secondary schools' sources of enrichment. The PM2.5 mass concentration had the range of 135 – 785.31 µg/m3 which were above the stationary limits of 25 µg/m3 and 35 µg/m3 stipulated by the National Ambient Air Quality Standards and World Health Organization, respectively. These call for greater attention to alleviate all negative outcomes of environmental health issues.